About Me
My name is Johannah and I’ve been practicing Reiki for over 20 years. I am a qualified Usui Reiki Master. I’m based on the beautiful south west coast of the UK in Dorset, and practice Reiki under the name Crystal Earth Energy from my garden room which provides a safe, calm, private and peaceful space. The room has its own side entrance through my garden. I am fully certified and insured (full details can be provided). Sessions are typically around 75 minutes and cost from £20 and these can be tailored to suit individual needs.
I am also a sound healing practitioner. Combining Reiki and singing bowls is a truly powerful and incredible experience for both practitioner and recipient, and am already excited to be able to add this in the coming months.
I am also passionate about helping animals, particularly those who have experienced emotional trauma and anxiety. Reiki can help open channels of communication and can heal just like on humans. I use it regularly on my own pets and seen significant improvements. I hope to qualify and offer Reiki healing professionally in this area in the future.
Watch this space!